How I Went Sober Without Any Of The Usual Struggle And Drama
Sep 18, 2024
How I Went Sober Without Any Of The Usual Struggle
So yes, I quit drinking alcohol and it was pretty simple. Wait, that's not right. Eventually, it was easy, but not until the penny dropped.
It took me a long time to realize the way you do it has nothing to do with willpower. But when I worked it out, I quit drinking alcohol and it was easy!
Of all the culturally conditioned habits we've mindlessly adopted, alcohol as a harmless social pleasantry is among the most peculiar. We know alcohol kills millions of people every year.
There is no point me banging about how terrible for your health alcohol is. Everybody knows this and knowing it does not help people quit. In the same way, those graphic images on cigarette packets have little impact on the consumption of smokers.
I don't even need to mention the drunk driving and domestic abuse it causes, do I?
You are not an idiot
Treat people with respect and assuming intelligence is why my stop drinking course is so effective for problem drinkers. I don't treat you like an idiot. I know that you are a highly successful, loving and compassionate individual. How do I know? Well, in a decade of helping people quit drinking I have never once met anyone who I concluded was 'just stupid'.
Alcohol is bad for us and highly addictive. Really it should not be allowed to be promoted and advertised like it is.
But it is and the alcohol producers are not playing by the rules that apply to everyone else. Big alcohol is devious, dishonest and narcissistic.
Alcohol producers have government permission to be advertised and marketed with any claim they want. No other product is allowed to claim things that simply are not true!
The pushers of alcohol claim that we need it to help us deal with our internal demons, to cope with the pressure of modern life. However, even without getting too deep into this, it's easy to see that avoiding alcohol has some pretty amazing benefits. Especially for people looking for greater health and fuller life.
But what do lovers of a cheeky glass of vino and the straight-out problem drinkers find when they go sober? What can the observations from recently sober individuals teach us about the alcoholism sicknesses running rampant in our culture?
What I found when I quit drinking alcohol:
- The first significant point I saw in my own life was a remarkable enhancement in my general physical health and wellness. This commonly includes considerable weight reduction (I lost 57lbs when I quit drinking), less food intolerance, higher levels of vitality and less tiredness, clearer complexion, and I no longer have to wake up with even moderate hangovers, a pounding head or a tongue that feels like a butcher's chopping block.
- Improvements in mental health include reduced general anxiety, improvements in depression, much higher levels of cognitive clarity, improved recollection, much better focus, reduced degrees of stress, higher self-confidence, greater motivation and a more favourable outlook on daily life generally.
- Sleep dramatically improves. I found it a lot easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. Sure I would slip into an alcohol coma when I was drinking, but I would wake up feeling exhausted. Now I wake up every morning and they feel much more rested and full of energy.
- When I quit drinking alcohol I saw a huge adjustment in my perspective in the direction of other people. Suddenly I could see things from the perspective of others much easier. I believe that without booze I became a nicer person. It became much easier to be empathetic toward other people.
- Stopping drinking typically saves a great deal of money. I estimate that over my drinking career I wasted upwards of $180,000 on alcohol.
The Average Member Saves $6500 per year
- Time, I got a lot more time. I got my evening hours, night-time, days back. I went back to judo and got started in new hobbies which were inconceivable to do with an inebriant lifestyle.
- I realized that I do not actually need to consume alcohol to have fun and enjoy myself at parties and celebrations. Thus exposing the exceptional social lie that booze equals a great time. For many, they find that booze, in fact, strains relationships instead of strengthening them.
- I started to love myself more, I know it sounds cheesy but it's true. This can be both enlightening and startling as you are compelled to accept both the favourable and the negative elements of the self. You must then decide on the best ways to confront the emotional truths of your life. You have no hope of this sort of 'self-work' when you are routinely drinking poison.
- I realized that booze tends to make personal problems much worse. Think about it, if you are struggling with debt then throwing your money down the toilet is not going to make things better.
- I discovered that I have fewer regrets and guilt when living alcohol-free. I used to do really dumb, risky and problematic things when intoxicated. Now I live a better life and experience much less drama.
More Peace & Less Drama
- Stopping is both very challenging and at the same time very simple. Like most things, it is our fear of the unknown that causes the biggest problem. We put off getting started because we worry about how we will deal with cravings and how we will socialize without a drink in our hands. I cover all this in my course, it's not as big a deal as you might expect.
- Back when I was a drinker I would avoid people who didn't drink alcohol. I claimed that they were boring but really I was just afraid they would shine a light on my problem. Watch out for people like the old me. Those addicted to alcohol will try everything to get a clean person to join the party with 'just one drink'. They will even tease you or put you down.
- Yes, I quit drinking alcohol and discovered that lots of people are just assholes when they consume alcohol. It's hard to see this when you are knocking back the booze with everyone else, but with the clarity of temperance, I found that the hilarious 'friend' that seemed so entertaining at the bar was merely an attention-seeking tool.
- I soon discovered that alcohol-fed conversations are actually dull, ego-driven and quite shallow. Plus they are highly susceptible to aggression, misinterpretation, and bad feeling. Being drunk has cost me a lot of good friendships!
Don't Worry About Losing Friends
Finally, I recognized that individuals can be just as toxic as substances and that many associations are unable to survive without having the prop of booze. I learned a good deal about who my real friends actually were. Don't worry about losing friends when you quit drinking, a lot of them were never your 'friend' in the first place.
The hard fact is, living a sober life gives you serious advantages over other people. This is true in your personal and professional life.
I hate to use the phrase but the biggest fake news around alcohol is that it makes life more fun. However, the truth is that it is a huge industry slyly forced upon the general public. Advertising and unrestricted marketing have then created a culture of self-destructive behaviour.
We have collectively invited a wolf in sheep's clothing into our home.
It's time to load the shotgun!
Are you ready to change your life?
Quitting drinking can be challenging, but doing so is possibly the single most critical step toward personal growth. You should trust me on this, the hardest part of the whole journey is starting.
When you are finally ready to kick this poison out of your life, secure your place on our next free quit drinking webinar. I will show you exactly how I quit drinking alcohol all those years ago and how you can do the same.
No willpower, no rehab, no medication and not embarrassing AA group meetings.
Click here to get started now.