Am I An Alcoholic - If You Have To Ask, Read This First
Aug 23, 2023
Am I An Alcoholic?
Am I An Alcoholic? It's the big question that so many nervously tap into Google and hope for the best. First, it's important to understand there is a range of alcoholism. There are not just regular drinkers and alcoholics.
There is a difference between problem drinkers and alcoholics.
The truth is most people who find this website or use our online course to quit drinking are not alcoholics. They are not physically addicted to the drug, just in a negative loop with their drinking.
Lots of people make use of drinking to handle stress and anxiety. However, they do not understand that it actually intensifies the issues and problems in their daily lives. Alcohol creates stress, not the other way around.
The anxious feeling you get that makes you 'need a drink' is the drug applying pressure on you. We incorrectly label this sensation as 'I have had a hard day at work' etc.
If you are worried about your drinking, be proud you are doing something about it. Don't panic; this can be fixed!
There are strategies and treatments available that can help you to reduce your reliance on drinking. But more than that, to also rediscover true harmony and peace in your life.
Are you a problem drinker?
Many men and women think that alcohol use is a binary position: problem drinkers and social drinkers.
Countless people also think that we are either born problem drinkers or we are not. This has been a dominating perspective for a long time now.
It's easy to understand why.
The children of alcoholics grew up watching their mom or dad abuse alcohol. They then assume that their own problem must come down to genetics.
I have a problem with alcohol, just like my mom/dad. Therefore it must be hereditary, right?
Wrong, but understandable why so many make this leap. The drinkers who have these notions have witnessed the most intense repercussions of alcohol abuse.
The chances are alcoholism is something learned from our parents rather than inherited.
Examples Of Problem Drinking:
- Drinking more than you intended on regular occasions
- Repetitively having incidents of memory loss.
- Failing to meet your family and work obligations because of alcohol.
- Getting upset when challenged about your drinking.
- Being secretive and hiding the amount you drink.
So many people these days are turning to alcohol to help them cope with modern life. The moment the kids are in bed, it becomes wine-o-clock. It is these people who are asking 'am I an alcoholic' and that's quite understandable.
The chances are good that these people are more problem drinkers than they are alcoholics. They are normally highly functioning in life. They can even go days, weeks or months without drinking if they have to.
People who are physically addicted to alcohol can't do that.
Am I An Alcoholic?
Are you an alcoholic? Probably not, but check with your doctor if you remain worried. A lot of our members do not meet the criteria for identifying alcohol addiction. However, they fall into the grey spectrum of alcohol use disorders.
These Are The Problem Drinkers.
Anybody who drinks heavily regularly or in binge sessions is a problem drinker. The bad news is they are at high risk of all the negative physical health repercussions. The good news is, there is still time to take action before the issue descends into full-blown alcohol addiction.
Remember problems with alcohol only ever get worse, unless you hit the stop button.
Although environmental variables also likely contribute to this distinction. Scientists have discovered, for instance, that individuals vary in how their systems metabolize booze.
Because our unique physical makeup is created at birth, there is some truth in the notion that we have particular characteristics that make us more (or less) susceptible to the impacts of drinking.
Tina's Story
Tina joined the Stop Drinking Expert program many years ago. She wasn't asking 'Am I An Alcoholic'; such a notion never even crossed her mind. She started the program because she wanted to sleep better.
At the time, Tina, 43, was married with a couple of kids, a ten-year-old boy, and a nine-year-old little girl. Tina's lives a pretty standard, modern life. She is married, lives in a detached suburban home, with two children.
She had a mid-management career in a sizable property development business. While her other half, Steve, worked in the data processing division of a college.
Two full time working parents, of course, means a balancing act to look after the children. Like most modern parents, they battled with meeting the requirements of work with those of being a good mom or dad. All this in addition to housework and those tedious chores that always need doing.
They took pleasure in their life in a pleasant rural neighbourhood with excellent schools. To the outside world, they had life easy. However, if you asked them both, Tina and Steve would tell you life is far too stressful these days.
Innocent beginnings
So how did alcohol get into such a perfect little family set-up?
Steve and Tina had met at university during their junior years. They were married a year after finishing their degrees. As a university student, they'd partied as much as the majority of their close friends. However, they like to point out that they had never gone "over the top" with it.
Hangovers from hell were pretty routine though, particularly as undergraduates. But it was a price you had to pay for those tailgate events at American football games after college.
Tina did not consume alcohol at all during her pregnancies. Having said that, after her daughter was born, she noticed she returned to it a lot quicker. After she went back to work following a six-week maternal leave of absence, she joined Steve in his regimen of drinking a glass of red wine while they "chilled-out" after work.
Are you drinking to deal with stress?
This involved making an evening meal and overseeing homework. Followed by putting the kids to bed, preparing for the upcoming day, and so forth. Then, after the children were in bed, Tina would open the second bottle of wine.
She told us that for many years this helped her to shake off the pressure that accumulated throughout the working day.
She also believed that the last glass of red wine helped her sleep better.
When Tina found the Stop Drinking Expert, it was not a result of her alcohol consumption. She still considered herself to be an ordinary social drinker. Alcohol was her way of relaxing and found it to be genuinely beneficial, given her stressful life. Tina was referred by her GP, with whom she had discussed her worries about not sleeping very well.
Not sleeping properly left her feeling fuzzy the following day.
This problem then led her to feel progressively more miserable, which was mirrored in more bad moods. Then there were persistent feelings of exhaustion, and criticism from Steve that their sex life was practically nonexistent.
She'd asked her physician about sleeping meds, or maybe starting on Prozac. The physician mentioned she would think about that, but to begin with she preferred Tina to speak with a therapist.
Tina is an excellent example of this growing bunch of individuals whose alcohol consumption becomes a coping mechanism for their daily challenges.
She did not make an appointment with a therapist due to the fact that she was stressed and embarrassed about her alcohol consumption.
Was Tina an alcoholic?
No. She would not have enough of the signs and symptoms to satisfy the acknowledged requirements for anyone of the alcohol-related prognosis.
She was not somebody for whom a single glass of wine was the start of a non-stop drinking session. Neither did she drink often enough to be continually failing DUI tests. She'd never encounter a morning of memory loss or do the whole morning drinking thing.
She never even asked herself 'Am I An Alcoholic', the thought never entered her head.
However, she was definitely suffering from some warning signs. For instance, interrupted sleeping, persistent exhaustion, clinical depression. Plus she was starting to find that she was getting angry if she couldn't have her nightly drink.
The line around social drinking
The answer, for Tina, was that at some time she had crossed over the line. The difficult to spot line, that divides typical social drinking from problem drinking.
Fortunately, for her, was that this breakthrough ended up being a chance to reflect on her drinking, together with the anxiety that appeared to be driving it and make some choices.
She joined our online program and made some alterations not only regarding her alcohol consumption. Also, around ways to deal with the stress she encountered daily. Alcohol was never a great way to deal with stress in the first place, but now she has some new techniques.
Drinking to cope with life
Alcohol problems are so much more common than most people think.
We look at our friends, and all of them appear to be okay with the odd bottle of beer or glass of wine. We doubt any of them are sitting at their laptop late at night searching 'Am I An Alcoholic' or 'Do I Have A Drinking Problem'. However, that's the thing with problem drinking; it is a mostly very well-hidden problem.
Especially when the people concerned fall under the high functioning alcoholism banner.
Am I An Alcoholic - The Test!
Our advice is to stop worrying about the label so much; it's a waste of time and energy. The amount you are drinking or the frequency, the actual test is simply to answer this question:
Is your drinking making you miserable or harming you in some way?
If you can answer that question in the positive, then you should take action. The first step is to decide now, that enough is enough. Next, secure your place on our next free quit drinking webinar and find out how this nasty drug got you.
A Passionate Mission to End Alcohol Dependency
Welcome to the Stop Drinking Expert, a haven for those seeking a life free from the clutches of alcohol. We understand the vicious cycle of dependency and how it can tear lives apart. Our mission is not just to educate, but to empower and guide individuals towards a brighter, sober future.
Founded with the vision to change lives, we believe that the road to sobriety shouldn't be a solitary journey. We're here to walk that path with you, providing resources, support, and the necessary tools to reclaim your life.
Every day, we offer a free quit drinking webinar aimed at enlightening and inspiring. Because we believe that everyone deserves a chance at a fulfilling life, unhindered by addiction.
Craig Beck: The Expert Behind the Mission
The renowned Craig Beck helms the Stop Drinking Expert. Craig isn't just another expert in the field; he's someone who has walked the challenging path of alcoholism and emerged triumphant. His experiences serve as a beacon of hope for many struggling with alcohol addiction.
As the author of "Alcohol Lied To Me", Craig has unveiled the truths and myths surrounding alcohol, providing a fresh perspective on the nature of alcohol dependency. His groundbreaking approach to sobriety has garnered attention globally.
Over the years, Craig Beck has been instrumental in helping over 250,000 individuals get sober, rediscover their passions, and lead fulfilling lives. His methodologies are not just proven, but they're filled with compassion, understanding, and unwavering support.
Changing Lives, One Day at a Time
At Stop Drinking Expert, we're not just about preaching the perils of alcohol consumption. We aim to instill a positive mindset, one that seeks joy in sobriety. Our approach is holistic, addressing both the physical and psychological facets of alcoholism.
We champion the cause of sobriety by debunking myths surrounding alcohol, challenging societal norms, and presenting facts in an engaging manner. We know that every individual's journey is unique, and we tailor our approach to fit each person's needs.
But more than that, we provide a community. A space where individuals can share, learn, grow, and most importantly, heal. Because at the heart of Stop Drinking Expert, it's about changing lives, one day at a time.
Embark on Your Journey to Sobriety
The journey to sobriety may be challenging, but with the right guidance and support, it is undoubtedly achievable. Let us be that guiding force in your life, helping you overcome obstacles and stay on the path to recovery.
If you or a loved one is struggling with alcoholism, don't hesitate. Today is the day to take that first step towards a healthier, happier life. Join our community, benefit from our resources, and let's embark on this transformative journey together.
To further explore and dive into a myriad of resources, check out the following: