What Is Binge Drinking And Why Is It So Bad?

Dec 16, 2022

What Is Binge Drinking And Why Is It So Bad?

Have you ever wanted to quit drinking but can't seem to do it? You've tried AA and other methods, but nothing works. Well, if that's you, then listen up! I have helped hundreds of people get sober without AA, willpower, or medication.

My Story

Hello! My name is Craig Beck, and I once struggled with a drinking problem. It took me more than 20 years to realize that my alcoholism was causing most of my problems. Then I saw the connection between my struggles and alcoholism.

By changing my thinking about alcohol, I could address my addiction more logically. This led to peace, happiness, and security in my life. Sobriety allowed me to lose weight, enjoy sleep, reconnect with family, reclaim my career, and help over 100,000 people like you lead sober lives.

The root cause of the drinking problem is that we try to escape reality through alcohol. But these things never work for long because they only give temporary relief from pain rather than real solutions to our problems.

I help people to live in the present moment, to get rid of their anxiety and fear, which are the leading causes of alcohol abuse. I use various techniques for transformation to help you become aware of your true nature. Once you become aware of your true nature, you can live in the present moment and no longer need to escape reality through alcohol or other substances.

What Is Binge Drinking?

Binge drinking is defined as consuming more than five drinks in 2 hours for men or more than four drinks in 2 hours for women. Binge drinking can be dangerous and can lead to alcohol poisoning. It's also a form of heavy drinking, which is another type of problem drinking that can be a sign of alcoholism.

Binge drinking occurs over time-it isn't just an isolated event where someone gets drunk on one occasion. For example, if you drink three days per week and then binge on the weekends (for example, ten drinks in one night), that's still considered bingeing because it's happening over several weeks or months

Alcohol the Slow Killer

Alcohol has devastating consequences on your body, mind, and spirit. Alcohol damages the nerve cells in your brain due to exposure over time. This damage can't be seen with the naked eye, but it's there nonetheless, making it much harder for you to control your drinking habits than someone without this condition.

The more years you've been drinking heavily, the more likely you are to need help quitting alcohol forever. This is because each time you drink alcohol, your brain gets exposed again until there becomes permanent damage from excess exposure. This eventually manifests as alcoholism symptoms such as alcohol abuse disorder (AD), alcohol dependence syndrome (ADS), etc.,

Why Do Binge and Heavy Drinkers Find It Hard to Recover?

Heavy binge drinkers often find it hard to recover because they:

Are in Denial About Their Problem

Heavy drinkers often say things like "I can stop whenever I want" or "I can control myself when I drink." But the truth is that if you have an alcohol problem and try to depend on willpower alone, then you'll probably fail. Instead of relying on yourself for change, it's best to seek professional help from a therapist or counselor who specializes in treating these disorders.

Blame Other People for Their Drinking Problems

It's easy to blame others when things go wrong. If you've been trying unsuccessfully to quit drinking without success, then maybe now is the time to face reality and accept responsibility for your actions rather than blaming others for them!

Facing reality is always helpful because sometimes underlying issues are involved (such as trauma). This needs addressing before lasting recovery is achieved successfully--and no one else knows what those issues might be except yourself!

Your Life Will Improve After You Quit Binge Drinking Alcohol.

When you go sober, your life will improve in so many ways.

Feel Energized

First and foremost, you'll feel better physically and emotionally. You'll have more energy to do the things you enjoy. You'll even sleep better at night and wake up refreshed every morning.

Improved Relationships

Your relationships with friends and family will improve because you won't be dependent on alcohol for social connections anymore! All this can happen even if your drinking habits are bad-sober living is possible!

Save Money

You might also have more money in your wallet since your drinking days are behind you. With the added income from being sober, who knows what kind of adventures or opportunities could come up? Maybe finally taking that vacation abroad or buying that new car...depending on how much money was spent on alcohol each month before quitting drinking!

Have Fulfillment

Finally (and most importantly), living without alcohol will make people feel fulfilled again. This will help you achieve your goals instead of letting them slide by day after day while getting drunk out of one's mind every weeknight.

Do You Have a Problem With Alcohol? Test Yourself With These 10 Questions

  1. Do you drink every day?
  2. Have you ever woken up and had a drink first thing in the morning?
  3. Do you sometimes drink more than you intended to?
  4. Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your drinking?
  5. Has anyone ever criticized your drinking?
  6. Does anyone ever worry about your drinking?
  7. Have you ever tried to cut down on how much you drank but failed?
  8. Do you try to hide how much alcohol you are consuming?
  9. Has alcohol caused problems with work/school/home situations, such as losing a job or getting kicked out of school?
  10. Has alcohol caused problems with relationships with family members, friends, or intimate partners, such as arguments, fights, or broken-up relationships because of it (even if they were going bad anyway)?

 If "yes" was your response to one of these questions, your free training webinar is waiting.

It's Time to Get Help!

Every week on YouTube, I do a live support session to help people who are sick of not being their best selves. The live support session is 9 am EST every Wednesday, and it's free to attend. People can get a free copy of my bestselling book Alcohol Lied To Me just for attending the daily, free quit drinking webinar.

The book talks about all the lies alcohol told me before I stopped drinking and gives you tools to help you quit drinking alcohol without AA, willpower, rehab, or medication.

I highly recommend it if you've never been to a live support session. It's a great way to feel connected and supported as you start your journey to quit drinking alcohol.


To anyone struggling with a drinking problem and who has attempted to quit drinking alcohol in the past but failed: you can beat your alcohol problem and become sober.

Resources are available to get you on the road to recovery and successful sobriety. I've been helping people to quit drinking alcohol without AA, willpower, rehab, or medication for over 20 years. I've helped thousands of people worldwide quit drinking alcohol, and now it's your turn! What are you waiting for?

Please take advantage of a free webinar spot and a free copy of Alcohol Lied To Me by signing up now! Remember, we're all in this together. You can do this!

Free Quit Drinking Webinar With The Stop Drinking Expert:

Trying to control alcohol with willpower has a 95% chance of failure. Despite this depressing fact, most people still go down this route.

Reserve your place on our next free coaching session and discover the secret to easy sobriety. 

Reserve My Place

Copyright 2001-2023 Stop Drinking Expert (A trading division of Craig Beck Media Limited)

3811 Ditmars Blvd #1074, Queens, NY 11105, United States

Disclaimer: The website www.stopdrinkingexpert.com is intended for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Users are advised that in certain circumstances quitting drinking 'cold turkey' can be dangerous. This website provides information on how to stop drinking and promotes the author's services and products. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Craig Beck ABNLP. ABHYP. DHyp. ICS is a American board certified therapist and life coach. However, by using this website, you acknowledge and agree that the creator is not liable for any damages or losses arising from your use of this website or any external websites linked to from this website.