How to Stop Binge Drinking Before It's Too Late

Dec 22, 2022
binge drinking

How to stop binge drinking

Are you a binge drinker? Well, the first step is to fully understand what it is.

Pay attention, here's the science bit:

Binge drinking entails a hazardous pattern of extreme alcohol use. Generally, your blood alcohol level (BAL) will have to increase to at least 0.08 percentage points after binge drinking.

For females, binge drinking is described as taking four or more alcoholic beverages inside a two-hour window. For males, binge drinking you need at least five alcoholic drinks in a single drinking session for it to be considered a binge.

Wait! Just four drinks is a binge?

In the USA, binge drinking is most typical in people under thirty years of age. This generation makes up approximately 75 percent of all binge drinking incidents.

However, middle-aged men and women of the world cannot assume they are protected by their advancing age. A six-pack or a bottle of wine a night for some people would be very much considered binge drinking. 

Think about it, how many glasses in a bottle of wine? Certainly enough to be considered binge territory.

Not everyone has the same physical response to alcohol. Obviously, a 50kg woman is going to enter binge territory a lot quicker than a 100kg man. 

A drink is a drink is a drink

One of the problems we have is not entirely understanding what constitutes 'a drink'. I used to tell my concerned doctor that I only drank three or four glasses of wine a night. Of course, he didn't know how enormous my glassware was. 

A drink is the tiny measure they would pour you in a fancy bar or restaurant.

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, an alcoholic beverage is categorized under one of the below measurements:

  1. A single 12-oz. lager
  2. One 5-oz. glass of red or white wine
  3. A single 1.5-oz. shot of 40% alcohol

Alcohol Use Disorder

Just because you binge drink does not make you an alcoholic. Everyone binges at some point or another. Despite what people tend to think, the determining factor for a drinking problem has nothing to do with how much you drink or how often.

Want to know if you have a drinking problem?

Ask yourself this question: Is my alcohol use having a negative impact on my life?

A change from binge drinking to alcohol addiction can occur rapidly. Resulting in severe health and wellness problems and other repercussions.

"Approximately 80 percent of binge drinkers are not alcohol dependent. However, binge drinking represents the majority of fatalities from drinking. Alcohol addiction is an extremely deceptive condition because it may sneak up on you if you're not watching out for it.

Binge drinking is common and widespread, but it's a bit like playing Russian Roulette. The more you do it, the more at risk you are.

Explanations for Binge Drinking

The number of folks who binge drink keeps on climbing every year, despite analysis reports and data regarding the risks of substantial drinking. 

We live in a world where drinking diluted poison is deemed a pleasurable and harmless leisure activity. Even though binge drinking is not alcohol addiction, it may be equally as dangerous.

Consuming sizable quantities of booze may impact you physically and mentally. Not only could binge drinking damage you, but it can hurt the people who love you too.

Numerous justifications for binge drinking feature:

Ignoring problems

Our drinking behaviour has changed; we no longer head to the pub. More often these days we are picking up an offer at the supermarket and taking our alcohol home. We binge drink in the comfort of our own home under the unchallenged illusion that we are doing so only to chill out and relax or cope with the stress of the day. 

The problem is we don't stop after the first drink, even though we already feel better. The reality is; it is all but impossible for a problem drinker to have 'just one drink'.

Having a good time

Lots of get-togethers and parties incorporate routine heavy drinking. It's almost expected as a backdrop to the event. The lure to overcome their shyness and party all evening long sways lots of people. Nevertheless, it can quickly end up being a reoccurring pattern.

Almost like knocking over the first domino in a row of alcohol problems.

Challenging friends

With various drinking activities, alcohol use becomes a contest. Colleagues attempt to outshine each other and frequently drink hazardous quantities of booze.

A lot of this is pure ego, but it can lead to disaster.

But heavy drinking is a part of college life. Even if you wanted to find out how to stop binge drinking, you would struggle to implement what you discovered. You would run the risk of being a social outcast.

Revolting against the system

Lots of teenagers go through a phase of rebelling against the system. Therefore, they set out on a mission to stand up to the laws, regulations, parents, and the community. Funnily enough, they all think they are the first brave soul to do so. Many will binge drink to increase self-confidence and to demonstrate just how rebellious they are.

Youth is wasted on the young, as they say.

It's hard to understand why each generation thinks by drinking they are beating the system. Or giving 'the man' the middle finger.

Binge Drinking Adverse Effects

Binge drinking is connected to a wide variety of mental health conditions. Although some have a temporary impact, others can lead to irreversible problems.

The abrupt but short-term effects of binge drinking are:

  1. Balance and motor control issues
  2. Dehydration
  3. Nausea or vomiting
  4. Amnesia
  5. Inferior decision making
  6. Shaking and tremors
  7. Blackouts

Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired?

Consuming excessive alcohol too rapidly may put you in danger for numerous health issue. For example, drinking significantly slows down your motor skills. Many people believe they drive better when they have had a drink. This is pure fantasy, and they are just plain wrong.

Alcohol doesn't make you more skilled, confident or brave. It makes you stupid - that's all. This leaves you in danger of accidents, sexual abuse, physical violence or alcohol poisoning.

Together with temporary adverse effects, recurring binge drinking may result in a multitude of lasting problems. These more severe repercussions are frequently ignored because binge drinking only happens infrequently at the beginning.

How to stop binge drinking and avoid:

  1. Brain fog and confusion
  2. Liver failure
  3. Stroke
  4. Cardiac disorders
  5. Carcinoma and tumours
  6. Impotence/ED
  7. Personal injury

The adverse effects of binge drinking typically depend upon the quantity you consume. How swiftly you drink, body weight, your sex, and mental health will all play a role.

Men and women process alcohol in different ways and at different speeds.

Teenagers and Binge Drinking

Booze is among the most frequently employed drugs by teenagers. Consuming alcohol at a young age significantly raises the probability of alcohol addiction or other problems later in life.

Throughout the country, binge drinking has resulted in vast levels of road traffic accidents. Plus plenty of emergency room visits, loss of life and self-harm in teenagers and adolescents.

Because the juvenile mind is still forming, alcohol has various impacts on teens compared with more mature men and women. Extended alcohol usage may impact brain performance and possibly trigger long-lasting intellectual issues.

It's the alcohol, stupid.

Other issues like anger issues, alcohol dependence, and depression might also occur from drinking at a young age.

Deterrence plays an essential function in decreasing the number of teenagers who binge drink. The hazardous adverse effects of drinking may be talked about in the home, in an educational setting or with a doctor.

How to stop binge drinking and get your life back

Not everyone who binge drinks is an alcoholic. Not everyone who is grabbing a six-pack or a bottle of wine every night needs to be rushed into rehab or ordered off to an AA meeting.

The vast majority of people can correct their drinking routine by just getting a little help from someone who understands. If you are not physically addicted to alcohol you don't need dangerous meds or expensive rehab.

Reserve your place on today's free quit drinking webinar and I will show you how I have helped over 200,000 people just like you.

You will even get a free copy of my best selling book 'Alcohol Lied To Me' just for turning up.

Whatever you do, just do something! Find out how to stop binge drinking and then take action.

Free Quit Drinking Webinar With The Stop Drinking Expert:

Trying to control alcohol with willpower has a 95% chance of failure. Despite this depressing fact, most people still go down this route.

Reserve your place on our next free coaching session and discover the secret to easy sobriety. 

Reserve My Place

Copyright 2001-2023 Stop Drinking Expert (A trading division of Craig Beck Media Limited)

3811 Ditmars Blvd #1074, Queens, NY 11105, United States

Disclaimer: The website is intended for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Users are advised that in certain circumstances quitting drinking 'cold turkey' can be dangerous. This website provides information on how to stop drinking and promotes the author's services and products. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Craig Beck ABNLP. ABHYP. DHyp. ICS is a American board certified therapist and life coach. However, by using this website, you acknowledge and agree that the creator is not liable for any damages or losses arising from your use of this website or any external websites linked to from this website.