Is It Time To Say Goodbye?
The Benefits Of This Course Are Endless
Why not decide now and begin your own sober journey. It's much easier than you ever expected... when you have the right tools and support.

Dramatically Better Health
Alcohol kills over 3,000,000 people every year. You are about to stop drinking attractively packaged poison. The health improvements will shock and amaze you.

More Energy & Focus
Imagine what you could achieve with 50% more energy, focus and passion. Everything gets better when you stop drinking the zombie juice - are you ready to decide now?

Save Thousands
The average Stop Drinking Expert member goes on the save over $5000 per year on alcohol. Imagine what you would do with that sort of money every year!

Better Relationships
The truth is alcohol damages all your relationships like a slow poison. You are about to become a much better partner, parent and friend.

Over 200,000 Problem Drinkers Cured
Proven 10x More Effective Than Willpower Alone

Anne Bebon, California
I was certain you wouldn’t be able to fix me... I thought I was so different from everyone else who couldn't control their alcohol consumption. I though my situation was so bad that I had a good excuse to drink so much per day. However, the reasons for not drinking now seem a lot more real and true than the old excuses ever did. A truly amazing system for all who want to drink less - thank you so much.

Richard T, London
Craig Beck and this course have completely changed my mindset. I not only do not want to drink, I loath the thought of what alcohol has stolen from me. At the rate I was going I believe I would have been dead in the next two years. Now I think I may have several years left in me.
This course has literally given life back to me

Pam B, Arizona
I have to say I was blown away by the unique frankness. It REALLY hits home in a very good way. It’s as if a very caring, non judgmental friend can see right through me in a way that can only be known by someone who’s been through it all. I kept arguing my case for wine (every night) for a while, but everything was just eroded away by the common sense of it all. I can’t recommend Craig's course highly enough

What’s covered in the course
The Stop Drinking Program Starts With An Intensive 10 Day Burst Of Key Learning
Module 1: How To Stop Drinking Without Willpower
You have probably heard the story that quitting drinking is difficult and unpleasant. However, there is an excellent reason why every attempt to control your drinking so far has failed. We start the course by bursting the bubble of unreality that surrounds this drug. All is not what it seems, and this part of the course will reveal some shocking truths.
Module 2: Stop Drinking Or Cut Back?
The thought of quitting drinking may feel scary. Despite all the damage it is doing to your life, there may be an overpowering fear that life without it will be worse. We deal with this in Part Two of the complete online course. Alcohol is playing a powerful and deceptive game, and you can't decide what course of action to take until you see how the illusion is being performed.
Module 3: Making Sober Your Easy, Default Position
Ivan Pavlov is famous for his psychological experiments with his dogs. He discovered he could manifest a physical response in his dogs by anchoring a powerful event to the sound of a bell. You have spent the last few decades link alcohol to all sorts of things like relaxation, sleep, confidence and be sociable. Thankfully Pavlov worked out how to 'unprogram' his dogs, and I know how to 'unprogram' you.
Module 4: Never Having To Suffer Cravings Again
All drugs use a combination of carrot and stick to keep addicts in the loop. In this intelligent approach to how to stop drinking, we break the process up into two easy to understand parts—dealing with the chemical addiction (cravings etc.) and then the psychological dependence. For example, you probably have created a subconscious link between relaxation and alcohol - this is where we start to break these false associations apart.
Module 5: Living A Happy, Sober Social Life
Module 5 is a real lightbulb moment for many members. This is where the penny really drops for so many problem drinkers. From this point, quitting alcohol feels like it's not only going to become a part of your new reality, but it will be something you enjoy and take ownership of. Here in section 5 of the online course, we look at the real cost of drinking this attractively packaged poison and start to plot out your own happy sober life.
Module 6: Replacing Alcohol With Fun & Passion
At a live Quit Drinking Bootcamp, we talk a lot about our reason to drink. More often than not, people admit that they are using alcohol to cope with boredom, loneliness and social anxiety. For example: For a shy person, the thought of attending a party and not drinking feels scary. In part 6 of this amazing how to stop drinking program, we deal with all these issues head-on.
Module 7: Escaping Alcohol Without Dangerous Drugs
Most people who arrive at this website have countless failed attempts to quit drinking behind them. Many ask about medication to deal with alcohol addiction. I have always believed that taking a drug to deal with a drug problem is illogical. However, knowledge is power, and I want you to make an informed decision. In part 7, I take you through the prescription drugs out there (and more importantly, why you honestly don't need them).
Module 8: Dealing With Your Drinking Friends & Family
A huge concern for people considering a sober life is how they will deal with their friends, family and partner. We live in a strange, broken reality in the western world where everybody drinks poison for fun. Yet, it is the people who don't want to drink the poison who are considered strange. In part 8, we nail all of this peer pressure problem in three easy to follow steps.
Module 9: Staying Quit Without Any Cravings
"Quitting drinking is easy, why I've done it thousands of time," is the famous quote by Mark Twain. The online course extends for 90 days, but the first ten parts are enough to get the vast majority of people back in control. In module 9, I give you to the tools to make your new happy sober life automatic. Not having poison flushing around your body 24/7 doesn't have to be a struggle. With what I will teach you here, it will become as regular a part of your day as brushing your teeth.
Module 10: Getting The Healthy, Happy You Back
This course is for problem drinkers and not alcoholics. The difference being 'problem drinkers' are in a psychological loop with their drinking rather than being physically addicted to the drug. My members usually are holding down a job, in a relationship and maybe even be parents. All the horror stories of alcohol withdrawal are generally not applicable to my members.

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So Much More Than Just Learning How To Stop Drinking
For most drinkers, alcohol is not the problem; it's just a symptom of the problem. Underneath the alcoholism is pain that the person is trying to mask. This can be loneliness, boredom, money trouble, past trauma or any number of things.
The bonuses included with your course are designed to help you address the underlying problems. The goal is not to become a miserable sober person. I want you to see dramatic improvements in all areas of your life. That's why I give you the tools to do just that:

Craig Beck Complete Collection
As a VIP member of the Stop Drinking Expert program, you get full access to the complete back catalogue of Craig Beck's bestselling books and audiobooks.
The bonus includes his work on self-confidence, persuasion psychology and more. There is over $1200 worth of life-changing downloads available, and they are all yours to keep forever.

Life Repair Vault
Craig is a respected master hypnotherapist. A quick search online will reveal hundreds of highly effective and highly rated hypnosis MP3's. They cover a range of issues from insomnia and self-confidence to wealth creation and career success.
The complete library is worth over $800. As a VIP member of the Stop Drinking Expert program, you get it absolutely free of charge.

The Secret Facebook Group
There is a secret community of Stop Drinking Expert members. It is completely locked down, impossible to find and 100% private and confidential.
It is the most supportive and encouraging group you will ever be a member of. No matter what time of day, if you need help and support, you will find a like-minded friend ready to talk.